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Especialistas en Cirugía de Nariz.

Buenos Aires, Argentina, Reserve your appointment ONLINE HERE!

Buenos Aires, Argentina,
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Aesthetic Rhinoplasty / Buenos Aires - Argentina

Buenos Aires, Argentina, Reserve your appointment ONLINE HERE!

Buenos Aires, Argentina,
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Profesionales dedicados a la Cirugía de la Nariz

Buenos Aires, Argentina, Reserve su turno ONLINE AQUÍ!

Computing Imaging

The rhinoplasty consultation has changed in the last few years due to the advances in technology. Nowadays with the advent of digital SRL photography and simulation software, computing imaging can be used on the first consultation as an effective communication tool between patient and surgeon and as a way of previewing the aesthetic goal to work towards.
We perform simulation software on all the patients who will undergo a rhinoplasty procedure. After all the preoperative pictures are taken (front view, left and right profile, laughter profile, lateral view, basal view and superior view), these are uploaded into the simulation software.
This minimizes the possibility of unexpected surprises due to misunderstanding and facilitates communication.
No reputable surgeon will perform an unrealistic or deceiving simulation. For instance,if a patient with overprojected nose and thick skin requests a nose over-reduction and this could not be surgically feasable; we only perform a simulation of what could be achieved through surgery, not of the over-reducted nose.
It is important to know that the simulation represents an objective, sets the path for the goal we are looking for. The final result will be slighty different to the simulated one, only as some details are concerned. The simulated picture is usually somewhat “artificial”, however, the result achieved is absolutely natural. Some time after the surgery, approximately six months, we take post-operative pictures and see how close we were from the original goal we set forth.

This is a case where we can see the patient’s profile, the simulation we performed and the achieved result after surgery.

Here are all the pictures of the final result, from different angles.
