info &
Pre Surgical Instructions
1Location and Time
On the day scheduled for the surgery, patients must report to the agreed Surgical Center about 1 hour before the time set for the intervention. The intervention scheduled can be subject to modifications depending on the availavility of the surgical room.
2Documentation and Preoperative Tests
Patients should bring:
1. Personal documentation proving identity.
2. All the preoperative studies performed: blood,blood count, glucose, urea and coagulation, and preoperative cardiac risk assesment.
3. Radiography studies and / or CT paranasal sinuses, if applicable.
4. Informed consent signed by the patient or a responsible relative in the case for those patients under 18 years.
4. In appropriate cases, patients should bring documents and authorizations for medical coverage.
1. Personal documentation proving identity.
2. All the preoperative studies performed: blood,blood count, glucose, urea and coagulation, and preoperative cardiac risk assesment.
3. Radiography studies and / or CT paranasal sinuses, if applicable.
4. Informed consent signed by the patient or a responsible relative in the case for those patients under 18 years.
4. In appropriate cases, patients should bring documents and authorizations for medical coverage.
3Presurgical Fasting
Surgery should be performed with AT LEAST 6 hours of fasting for liquids and 8 hours of fasting for solids. If the intervention takes place during the morning, we normally recommend to supper the day before surgery and avoid all solids and liquids the morning of the procedure. Should the surgery be scheduled for the afternoon, a light breakfast at 6 or 8 in the morning and a fasting for all solids and liquids is recommended. You can have a tea with sugar for breakfast (no sweetener) and two cookies, or similar.
No aspirin or medications containing aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) should be taken for at least a week prior to surgery since they will interfere with normal blood clotting. Consult for other medications. After surgery, antibiotics are prescribed.
It has been proved that smoking can greatly impair your ability to heal and can result in scarring. Though no essential, you should be nicotine and smoke-free for at least 1 week prior to surgery. More importantly, refrain from smoking the days after surgery.
6Anxiety control
It is normal to experience some anxiety the days before surgery. Depending on the case, anti-anxiety medications (clonazepam or alprazolam) are prescribed one or more days prior to the intervention.
7Other tips
– Wear comfortable, clean, loose-fitting clothing. Wear only a top that zips or buttons up the front. Do not wear pullovers, turtlenecks, or any tight-fitting top or bottom. There is no need to wear special clothes because the surgical center provides the necessary clothing to enter the operating room.- Let us know if there is any preexisting pathology, a particular health condition or an allergy to any medicine.- Consult all doubts that may arise, for this, patients are given our personal cell phones and other ways of communication as available as well (email, SMS, office and surgical team’s telephone numbers).
8Patients especially traveling to Buenos Aires
For those especially traveling for intervention, a consultation is usually arranged at our office one or two days before surgery for a complete aesthetic, functional and photographical assessment. During this consultation, all the objectives and goals are reviewed, a simulation software is performed and all doubts you may have are cleared up.