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Questions about Rhinoplasty
1What kind of anesthesia is used?
Rhinoplasty can be performed with general or sedation anesthesia. We prefer general anesthesia for being as safe as sedation and less traumatic for the patient. All of our staff anesthesiologists are certified by the Asociacion Argentina de Anestesiologia (Argentine Anesthesiology Association) and have been selected on the basis of their competence, skills and professional responsibility. We only work with professionals from our permanent Anesthesiology Staff.
2How long does a Rhinoplasty take?
The Rhinoplasty procedure takes approximately two hours. There are more complex cases which require more time. Sometimes, a breathing disorder or an associated pathology needs to be fixed, taking more time of surgery. Incisions are made inside the nostrils, where they are hidden from view.
3Where is the surgery performed and how much time do I have to stay?
Rhinoplasty is performed in a surgical center. It is not advisable to be done in doctors’ offices. Rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure. The admission time is of about four hours on average, one before the surgery and three after it. The hospital bed coul be booked for the night for the patient’s comfort, but normally patient returns to his home or Hotel 4 hours after procedure. Patients are required to sign the Informed Consent before going into surgery. After surgery the patient is given a post operative set of instructions.
4Is a rhinoplasty post-operative painful?
Generally no. The post-operative is not painful. Patients usually experience some sort of discomfort due to nasal obstruction. In case of discomfort, patients are advised to take painkillers such as ibuprofen or diclofenac. Patients have to take as well antibiotics the days after the procedure.
5How old do I have to be to have a rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is usually performed when 90% of the growth of the nose has been completed. This generally occurs when an individual has completed his or her growth spurt (13-14 for girls and 15 for boys- according to The American Association of Plastic Surgery and The American Association of Facial Plastic Surgery). There are exceptions to this rule: children are sometimes advised to go under surgery if there are health related problems. In minors, the consent of both parents is necessary to perform the procedure. The psychological aspect has to be considered as well and assess whether the patient is mature enough to undergo a surgery that will change his or her appearance.
6Which are the pre-operative evaluations that need to be done?
Otorhinoralingoly evaluation to assess the nasal function and rule out any hidden breathing pathology (nasal septum deviation, cronic sinusitis, polyposis, etc.
Blood analysis ( blood tests): hemogram, glycemia, urea and coagulogram.
Preoperative cardiac risk assesment.
Thorax radiology (not always necessary).
In cases of concomitant rhinosinusitis pathology a CT paranasal sinuses is done.
7If I do not live in Argentina, for how many days will I have to stay in the city?
– For these cases, it is advisable to schedule the surgery in advance, Arrive in Buenos Aires, make the consultation with the professional and have the rhinoplasty done on the following day. The post-operative will take 10 days in the city approximately.
8When can I wear glasses?
– During the first ten days, patients are recommended to use reading glasses and dark glasses since they are worn over the external splint. Once the external splint has been removed, patients are advised not to wear glasses for approximately four or six months. In case of contact lenses, these can be worn without restrictions. If glasses are light, a tape can be put over the nasal dorsum after the cast is remove
9When can I sunbathe?
The first fortnight is critical since due to the bruises and swelling, sunbathing would leave a mark on the color of the skin, as if it were a tattoo. Patients are advised to wear sunscreens (SPF 30 or higher) even for short exposures. Patients should wait between 30 and 40 days to sunbathe.
10Which Rhinoplasty technique is used (open rhinoplasty vs closed rhinoplasty)?
The two approaches are the endonasal or “closed” rhinoplasty (all incisions hidden inside the nose) and the external or “open” rhinoplasty. In open rhinoplasty there is one small incision across the columella (the skin between the nostrils). This incision is generally extremely difficult to see.
The approach selected will be based on the type of problem to be solved. For dorsal hump reduction, close rhinoplasty is usually enough. However, changes to be made on the nasal tip require open rhinoplasty. The surgeon will decide the technique which best fits the needs of the patient. The open approach will leave a very small incision, extremely difficult to see. We prefer the open approach for most of the cases because this approach enables us to achieve a better result.
11When will I be able to see the final result?
As of the moment the cast is removed, patients can appreciate the changes made. It is important to take into account that the swelling does not allow us to see the definite result. Two months after the surgery, the patient can see 70% of the final result.
The rest of the remaining edema is only seen by the patient and the surgeon and nobody else. The swelling is completely reduced a year after the surgery, therefore, the patient will be able to appreciate changes, though minimal.
12Are there complications in a rhinoplasty?
As in any other surgical procedure, a light but real risk is involved. The risk is minimum for healthy patients who undergo this type of programmed surgery. Complications which may occur are fortunately very rare such as: excessive bleeding which requires some sort of medical intervention as nose packing or surgery, altered scar healing and infection among others. As regards the results, international statistics surveys show that only 10 or 20 percent of patients need to undergo another surgery to correct defects unsolved in the first rhinoplasty.
13Where can I see Rhinoplasty photos?
By clicking on this link, you will be able to see different before-after Rhinoplasty photos from our patients. You will also see a basic classification of nose types and the approach selected to correct the defects with all the necessary technical information..