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Especialistas en Cirugía de Nariz.

Buenos Aires, Argentina, Reserve your appointment ONLINE HERE!

Buenos Aires, Argentina,
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Aesthetic Rhinoplasty / Buenos Aires - Argentina

Buenos Aires, Argentina, Reserve your appointment ONLINE HERE!

Buenos Aires, Argentina,
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Profesionales dedicados a la Cirugía de la Nariz

Buenos Aires, Argentina, Reserve su turno ONLINE AQUÍ!

Dr. Hernán Chinski

Hernan Chinski, M.D., is a University Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology – Rhinology and Facial Plastic Surgery, focused on Functional and Aesthetic Nose Surgery.

Rhinoplasty is his passion and area of expertise. His keen aesthetic eye, deep understanding of anatomy and remarkable technical proficiency allow him to strike the perfect balance between form and function. His focused background and surgical experience have allowed him to become a highly-skilled rhinoplasty specialist.
In 1998 he earned his M.D. degree from University of Buenos Aires graduating with honors. Dr. Chinski completed a post-graduate Residence Training Program in the Department of General Surgery at Hospital Ramos Mejia and in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at University of Buenos Aires.
He followed as Otorhinolaryngology Chief Resident at Hospital de Clinicas and completed his academic training as University Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology. Dr. Chinski also completed a fellowship in Rhinology and Facial Plastic Surgery at Hospital de Clinicas (with Dr. Santiago Goldenberg).

In his relentless pursuit of excellence, he furthered his surgical training in the area of Functional, Aesthetic and Revision Rhinoplasty abroad (view Gallery Before- After), learning from world renowned specialists in the field of Facial Plastic Surgery:

United States (NYC) with Dr. Geoffrey Tobias
United States (Miami) with Dr. Richard Davis
Colombia (Cali) with Dr. Carlos Pedroza
Brazil (Sao Paulo) with Dr. Alexandre Murta
Brazil (P. Alegre) with Dr. Julio Stedile.
United States (Newport Beach) with Dr. Rollin Daniel
United States (Beverly Hills – LA) with Dr. Jay Calvert
United Kindom (London) with Dr. Charles East
The Netherlands (Utrecht) with Dr. Peter Lohuis
Germany (Hamburg) with Dr. Milos Kovacevic
Dr. Chinski participates actively in Congresses (see credential cards) and Courses in the area of Rhinology both in Argentina and abroad as official member and lecturer. He also holds the position of board member in the Asociacion Argentina de Rinologia y Cirugia Plastica Facial (AARCF)
At present date, Dr. Chinski holds the position of Honorary Staff Doctor at University of Buenos Aires, Division ENT Surgery, Facial Plastic and Rhinology area.
  • M.D. (1998) Otorhinolaringologyst. University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Honors Diploma (1998). University Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology.Facial surgeon specialized in Rhinoplasty.
  • Science Popularization Magazine. Separata. Montpellier. Author Subject: “Rhinosinusitis in Adults and Children”. May 2005
  • Supervision and elaboration of diagnosis and treatment guides. Subject: “Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Pediatrics”. SAPSA. Sistema de Atencion Pedriatica de Buenos . April 2007.
  • PROAPE (Pediatric Actualization Programme- PROAPE by its Spanish acronym) guides elaboration for science popularization. Maimonides University Argentina. Subject: “Rhinosinusitis”. Buenos Aires, Nov 2007
  • Chapter: “Surgical Anatomy applied to the treatment of Snoring Syndromes and Obstructive Dreaming Apneas” for the book: Obstructive Dreaming Apneas, by Carlos Boccio. Buenos Aires. January 2008.
  • Contributor to the IV Otorhinolaryngology Manual of IAPO (Interamerican Association of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology) Coordination: Tania Sih. Year 2008. Printing: Brazil Mar 2008.
  • Author of Article: “Use of the Columella Strut in Open Rhinoplasty”. Our Experience and Revision. Federacion Argentina de Sociedades de
  • Otorrinolaringologia Magazine (F.A.S.O by its Spanish acronym) May 2009. 16(1): 33-8
  • Author of Article: “Rhinoplasty in Droopy Nasal Tip. Strategy and Surgical technique”. Rhinology and Facial Surgery Magazine. N4 pages 14-19. 2009.
  • Author of Article: “Redistributive Rhinoplasty vs. Resective Rhinoplasty. Paradigm Change in the Field of Rhinoplasty.” F.AS.O Magazine. Year 17. N1. Year 2010.
  • Author of Article: “Techiques for projection and deprojection of the tip”. Revista de la F.A.S.O. Año 2011.
  • Author of Article: “Rhinoplasty and its effects on the perception of beauty”. Int. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol. 2013;17(1):47-50
  • Author of Article: “Dorsal augmentation in Rhinoplasty”. Revista de Rinología y Cirugía Facial- Junio 2013
  • Author of Article: “The Ideal Nose”. Revista de la FASO. Ago 2013
Certified and Active member of the following Scientific Communities:
  • Asociacion Argentina de Rinologia y Cirugia Plastica Facial (ARPLAF)
  • Brazilian Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (ABCPF)
  • Federacion Argentina de Otorrinolaringologia (F.A.S.O.)
  • Club Otorrinolaringologico (CORL)
  • Asociacion Argentina de Otorrinolaringologia de Buenos Aires (AOCBA)
  • Asociacion Argentina de Otorrinolaringologia Pediatrica (AAOFP)
  • Best free paper: Facial Feminization. Argentinian Congress of ENT and Facial Plastic Surgery. 2013