Buenos Aires, Argentina,
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Especialistas en Cirugía de Nariz.

Buenos Aires, Argentina, Reserve your appointment ONLINE HERE!

Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Reserve your appointment ONLINE HERE!


Aesthetic Rhinoplasty / Buenos Aires - Argentina

Buenos Aires, Argentina, Reserve your appointment ONLINE HERE!

Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Reserve su turno ONLINE!


Profesionales dedicados a la Cirugía de la Nariz

Buenos Aires, Argentina, Reserve su turno ONLINE AQUÍ!

Anesthesia Options for Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty can be performed under various depths of anesthesia including local anesthesia, local+ intravenous sedation, and general anesthesia.


Which anesthesia method do we prefer?

We prefer the patients to have their procedure performed under general anesthesia, i.e. when the patient is fully sedated. This anesthesia method is the one chosen and preferred by the vast majority of specialized anesthesiologists and surgeons in the principal medical centers of the world. It maximizes surgeon and patient’s comfort.


Rhinoplasty Dr. Chinski - Anesthesia

Where is Rhinoplasty usually performed?

Rhinoplasty is usually performed in multispecialty health centers (Sanatoriums, Hospitals, Clinics, etc.) It is never performed in surgeon’s offices.


How is Rhinoplasty performed?

Rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure performed at an ambulatory surgery center; this means the patient can leave three or four hours after the procedure.


Our staff

All of our staff anesthesiologists are professionals certified by the Asociacion Argentina de Anestesiologia (Argentine Anesthesiology Association).