Buenos Aires, Argentina,
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Especialistas en Cirugía de Nariz.

Buenos Aires, Argentina, Reserve your appointment ONLINE HERE!

Buenos Aires, Argentina,
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Aesthetic Rhinoplasty / Buenos Aires - Argentina

Buenos Aires, Argentina, Reserve your appointment ONLINE HERE!

Buenos Aires, Argentina,
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Profesionales dedicados a la Cirugía de la Nariz

Buenos Aires, Argentina, Reserve su turno ONLINE AQUÍ!

Aesthetic and
Functional Objectives

Aesthetic and Functional Rhinoplasty Objectives

Many patients seeking for a rhinoplasty procedure have some functional problems to be solved. In these cases, the rhinoplasty procedure aims to improve both the aesthetics and nasal functions.

The specialization in nasal aesthetics and function allows the surgeon to provide a solution for both aspects. The ultimate challenge of modern rhinoplasty is to achieve balanced aesthetic refinement and proper nasal function.

Aesthetic Rhinoplasty

Other patients undergo a rhinoplasty procedure only to meet aesthetic goals. For them, the nasal function has to be preserved; i.e. the patient has to be able to breathe properly through the nose after the procedure.

Functional Rhinoplasty

Some patients seek improvement in airway function after having undergone an aesthetic rhinoplasty which left secondary side effects such as functional breathing disorders. For them, a functional rhinoplasty has to be performed.

¿What does a Functional Rhinoplasty seek to correct?

The most common cases of Functional Rhinoplasty are:
Nasal Valve Collapse
Vestibular Stenosis
Alar Collapse
Secondary Nasal Deviation

Which are the objectives of an Aesthetic Rhinoplasty?

Our main objectives in an Aesthetic Rhinoplasty are:
To have the nose balanced with the other facial structures
To achieve an aesthetic result as natural as possible (it is important not notice that the patient has undergone a cosmetic procedure)
To strive for a natural appearance.
To ensure the patient breaths properly before and after the surgery (preserve the nasal function)
To meet the aesthetic needs of the patient as far as technically possible and reasonable.